Sunday, February 22, 2009

Idle Worship Is Idol Worship

Ever sing along at church with your lips mouthing words your heart and mind don't follow? I find myself doing that and realize mid-sentence that I'm not thinking about the words; and sometimes don't even feel the joy expressed in them. Part of that is due to the bundle of joy I call my daughter, but part of it is a lack of desire on my part. So, why do I mouth the words? Largely it is because I feel I am supposed to do it, which makes my "sacrifice of praise" no better than the literal sacrifices the Israelites brought before God without a love for Him. It makes me think of this passage: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!" Revelation 3:15 In some way, all of sin is a type of idolatry - loving God less than something else. In my particular case, it is mouthing along to praise songs because I want to say I did it well, or to help our little church sound decent in volume, or something else. And in doing so, I have done what God asks for reasons He asked me not to. My idle worship is idol worship. What would be better is for me to listen to the songs and reflect on them, or to pray as others sing. Our God deserves no less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post, Joe; it was very thought provoking. The verse in Revelation was particularly challenging; Matt and I have been recently talking about that "lukewarm" state, and how to wrestle out of it. Thanks for sharing!